Honoring Those Who Go Before Us

This morning I would like to focus on a subject that needs to come to the forefront in our society today.  That subject is to honor those who have gone before us.  So often those who have paved the way for success in our lives are easily forgotten.  My goal or objective is to highlight one individual who deserves to be honored.  That is my dad.  He was a man who walked with God and served as a pastor for close to sixty years.  He loved to write in poetry form what God had been doing in his life.

This morning I want to post for you a poem that he wrote from Psalm 62 and verse 5.  I trust that you will enjoy and be ministered by the words that reflect the importance of waiting upon God.  My father was a man who spent a lot of time in the PRESENCE OF THE LORD.  This poem will reflect his love for Jesus Christ.

“MY Soul, Wait Thou Only Upon God”

I am waiting, Lord, on Thee.

The kindness of Thy hand to see – the opening of the way

that leads beyond Calvary.

I am waiting, Lord, on Thee,

the power of Thy Spirit to know – the divine enabling which I need

to guide me as I go.

I am resting, Lord, in Thy love.

Thy presence is my joy.

The knowledge that I am Thine

gives peace without alloy.

I am looking, Lord, for Thy coming.

This hope that shines in the night,

it keeps my feet in the pathway

and shines ever so bright.

I love you, Lord, just for Thyself

but with no love of my own.

Come make my heart Thy dwelling place;

Thy perfect will make known.

For this day allow me to encourage you to WAIT, REST, LOOK AND LOVE the ONE who loves you and gave HIMSELF for you.  HE deserves for us to quiet our lives and wait upon HIM.  Make this a great day!  

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